- 24 Jan 2025
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Ceridian Dayforce
- Updated on 24 Jan 2025
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This guide will show you how to set up the integration between Ceridian Dayforce and Clarity Security.
Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes.
If you run into any problems, please contact your support team or support@claritysecurity.io.
Configuring in your Downstream Application
Step 1: Setting a Password Policy
Create a password policy specific to the Clarity integration. It is suggested to set no password expiration or password reset -- or you would need to update this password within Clarity every time it is changed in Ceridian.
To set up the policy, go to System Admin > Password Policy and select the Add button.
Step 2: Name the Policy
Name the policy something easily identifiable and relatable to its use with Clarity.
Step 3: Create a Role
Create a role specific to this Clarity and Ceridian integration. Go to System Admin > Roles SL and select the Add button.
Name the role something easily identifiable and relatable to its use with Clarity. Make sure to set the Password Policy to the policy you created for this integration in the previous step.
Step 4: Assign Features to your Role
Next, from the top of the New Role screen, select the Features tab. Check and expand HCM Anywhere, then check and expand Web Services, then check Explorer, Patch/Post Employee HR Data, and Read Data.
Step 5: Assign Web Services Field-Level Access to your Role
Next, from the top of the New Role screen, select the Web Services Field-Level Access tab at the top. Expand SOAP Services, then expand GetEmployeeXRefCodesResponse, and check XRefCode.
Step 6: Assign Employee Access to your Role
Expand Employee, and check all of the following fields, plus their subfields and any further nested fields. Fields with subfields are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Step 7: Set up the Integration User
Now that you have created and configured the role, you will need to create a service user for this integration. It is recommended that this user is the only user assigned to the Role created in the previous steps.
In the System Admin > User area, at the top of the page, select New and fill in the User Name field with the name you choose for this user. We recommend something easily identifiable and relatable to this integration, like Clarity_SVC_USR.
Step 8: Assign Locations Access to your User
While still in the New User screen, go to the Location Access tab. Make sure to at least select the highest level Location for your organization. Optionally, you may select only those organizational location you wish to provide access to this integration.
A drop down will list the available locations to choose from. If you do select more than one location option, be sure to check Primary for one of them. Click the Save button to complete the User setup.
Step 9: Find your Subdomain and Company Name
Your subdomain can be found by checking the URL you log in with. For example, https://your-subdomain.dayforcehcm.com/DataSvc/DayforceService.svc. If you are unsure of what the Company Name is in Ceridian, contact your App Owner.
You will use these in Step 12.
Configuring the Integration within Clarity
Step 10: Login to your Clarity Security tenant
Step 11: Click on Applications, then Marketplace
Step 12: Find Ceridian Dayforce
Scroll to or search for Ceridian Dayforce in the list of applications from the marketplace, then click Connect.
Step 13: Connect App
Complete the Connect App form. Details for fields common to all applications can be found at the following article: Common App Configuration Steps
domain: Gathered in Step 8
company_name: Gathered in Step 8
username/password: The user and password setup in Step 7.
Step 14: App Settings
Complete the App Settings form. Details for each field can be found at the following article: Common App Configuration Steps
Step 15: User Settings
Complete the User Settings form. Details for each field can be found at the following article: Common App Configuration Steps
Step 16: Validate Your Selections and Save
Validate the selections from Configure App Step 3, and hit the Save button.
Clicking the Save button will trigger the first full sync for your application (even if you selected Manual syncing). This includes Service Users, Entitlements, Service User Entitlements, Service User Attributes.
Need Help?
If you have any problems, contact your customer success team. You can also get in touch with our general support via email, open a support ticket. Our general support team is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM CST.