Step 2: Establish Identity Attributes
  • 27 Sep 2023
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Step 2: Establish Identity Attributes

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Article summary

Now it's time to define the source for both your standard attributes and custom attributes in Clarity.

In this section, you will perform the following actions:

  1. Provide sources and prioritization for Standard Attributes.
  2. Populate (and provide sources/prioritization) for Custom Attributes.
  3. Refresh the Identity Attributes for your tenant.

Identity Attributes

First, you will want to navigate to the Settings > Identity Attributes section of Clarity, from here you can see two attribute sections (Standard and Custom); each of these will be discussed below. The attributes that can be used to populate this section of Clarity come from your Downstream Applications and Clarity itself. Most common sources for configuring your Standard and Custom attributes include HR platforms or Directory Services.

Standard Attributes

The standard attributes in Clarity represent the core fields that describe a unique Identity. This section lets you determine which applications (and which attributes) Clarity should use to populate these fields. If you have multiple locations where these fields might be found, you can configure a prioritization for each attribute.

  • First Name - The given name for the identity.
  • Last Name - The family or surname for the identity.
  • Active - This field indicates whether an identitiy is still employed (active) or terminated.
  • Email - The email address for the identity.
  • Supervisor - This should be a field that represents the identity's supervisor (most commonly from an HR platform).

Once you have multiple applications connected in your tenant, be sure to use multipe attribute sources when possible for configuring this section. This helps fill in gaps for Clarity Identity Directory, especially when a value may be missing in one source, but is present in the other.

In the image below, MS Active Directory is set the the first source, and Azure Active Directory is the second source, Clarity is the final. This order would mean if the value is present in MS Active Directory, then Clarity will show that value on the person's Identity page; if the value is empty then the value from Azure Active Directory whould be show, if both MS Active Directory and Azure Active Directory have empty or null values for this attribute, you can provide the value in Clarity. All Attributes, even those not selected by the precedence order, are visible on the Attributes tab for each Identity.

Clarity Attributes

Custom Attributes

Custom Attributes are special, user configurable attributes in Clarity that can be used to generate your Role based Access Control structure, (this will be discussed in more detail in Step 3 of the Getting Started Guide). Just like the Standard Attributes section above, these values can come from multiple sources, with a user configurable prioritization. If you dont know where to start with your Custom Attributes you can check our the list below of common selections for this section, or use the dropdown menu to see what options are available to you.

Most Common Selections

  • Department
  • Job Title
  • Division
  • Cost Center
  • Job Code

While its typical to select at least 2 custom attributes for determining Organizational Units, you can add additional custom attributes using the text field and "Add" button at the bottom of the Custom Attributes section of the page.

Custom Attributes

Refresh Identity Attributes

Once you are done making changes to both your Standard and Custom Attributes and are satisfied with the prioritization settings, you can click the "Refresh Identity Attributes" button. This will trigger Clarity to make any prioritization changes or process any additional attribute sources you have made.
Refresh Identity Attributes

Up Next: Organizational Units and Role Based Access Control

In the next section of our Getting Started guide, we will use your newly created Custom Attributes to design and build out the structure for your Role Based Access Control.

Step 3: Configure Role Based Access Control

Need help?

If you have any problems, contact your customer success team. You can also get in touch with our general support via email, open a support ticket. Our general support team is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM CST.

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