What are Tags?
  • 01 Feb 2024
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What are Tags?

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Article summary

Tags are a highly configurable feature in Clarity which allow you to label various items within Clarity (Applications, Entitlements, Identities, Roles). These labels can help you perform highly targeted Access Reviews of your application landscape.

To Manage your Tags head to Settings > Tags.

Topics we will cover:

Create tags

Once you head to Settings > Tags, look for the Add New Tag button near the top right of the screen.

Tags - Add New Tag

Fill out the pop-out window with a Name, Description, and Category.
Next pick a color from the options listed, this helps visually distinguish your tags, or help associate similar tags together.
Click Create Tag to finish the creation of your new tag.
Add New Tag

Manage and modify tags

Explore Tag Contents

Once you are at the Settings > Tags page, simply click on row for the Tag you want to modify or view from the list below.
Manage Tags

You can use the Tabs underneath the name of the tag to list what is currently included in the Tag.
Tags Manage Tabs

Edit Tags

To make changed to the Name, Description, etc. for the Tag click the Edit Icon in the top right (looks like a pencil).
Tags Manage Edit

Once you hit the Edit button, you will see a screen similar to the Create Tag screen seen above, but this will let you modify all the fields.
Edit Tag

Common use cases

Example 1: Entitlements with a monetary value. Utilize the tag feature to label entitlements from your Downstream Applications which per use paid access (licenses, subscriptions, etc). This is a great item to review, to help make sure employees in your organization do not have paid licenses they don't need.

Example 2: Top level Administrative Access. Create a custom entitlement to apply to all of the Entitlements which represent the highest level of access in an application (Domain Admin in Active Directory, etc). This is a very important type of access to review regularly.

Example 3: Create a custom tag to represent the Entitlements for an application whose access is managed in another application. An example of this is using Active Directory groups to manage access to another application.

Special notes

Deleting Tags

At this time, you are unable to delete tags from Clarity. It is recommended that you simply remove everything from the existing tag (based on its original purpose), and use the Edit tag option described above to repurpose the tag.

If you have any problems, contact your customer success team. You can also get in touch with our general support via email, open a support ticket. Our general support team is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM CST.

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