Workflow Actions
  • 31 Jan 2025
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Workflow Actions

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Article summary

This is a list of all the available Workflow actions.


The Workflow Actions available to you may be limited by the Trigger you selected.



Build Roles

Rebuild roles and reset identity grants

Identity Creation - Approval Request

Specify user(s) that must approve creating an identity

Find/Create Identity Role

Ensures an identity has a valid role

DeProvision Identity

DeProvisions all of an identity's entitlements

Grant Clarity Login

Grants a Clarity Login to the identity

Perform Role Creation

Performs the role creation and adds entitlements

Provision Identity

Provision a new Identity with their role's entitlements

Push Identity Attributes

Push identity attributes to downstream applications

Re-Provision Identity

Provisions and Identity with the access their Role grants

Require Access Approval

Specify user(s) that must approve access before provisioning occurs

Require New Role Approval

Specify user(s) that must approve new role creation

Send Customized Email

customize the subject, body and look of the email to be sent

Send Configurable API Request

Customize the content of the API request to be sent (See External API Request)

Send Email - Identity Created

Send email alert of an Identity Creation to one or more people in your organization

Send Email - Provisioning To-do

Send an email with a CSV attachment listing all of the access to be provisioned for read-only applications

Action: Send Email - Orphan Detected

Email alert will be sent when an active user account is found on an inactive identity.

Send Email - Termination Alert

Send email alert of an Identity Termination to one or more people in your organization

Workflow Email Notification

Sends an email notifying someone that a workflow was triggered

Terminate an Identity

Deactivates and/or deletes an Identity from all connected applications

Termination - Approval Request

Specify user(s) that must approve terminating an identity

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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